WAVES: Young Filmmakers Challenge

The Young Filmmakers Challenge is an exciting opportunity for young creators aged between 12 to 19 years to dive into the world of filmmaking and unleash their creativity. It aims to foster innovation, storytelling skills, and digital literacy among young participants through a concise 60- second film format. As part of the World Audio-Visual Entertainment Summit (WAVES), this challenge aims to empower children and teens to explore their imagination through short films.


• Inspire Creativity: Provide a fun and supportive platform for young filmmakers to express their creativity and originality through film.
• Promote Storytelling: Encourage participants to develop engaging and imaginative stories that resonate with young audiences.
• Build Confidence: Empower children and teens by giving them the opportunity to showcase their talent on a global stage.
• Celebrate Diversity: Celebrate the diverse perspectives and narratives that young filmmakers bring to the screen.

Judging Criteria

Creativity: How inventive and imaginative is the storytelling approach?

Appeal: How well does the film connect with and engage its young audience?

Clarity of Message: How effectively does the film communicate its theme or story in a short timeframe?

Overall Impact: What emotional or entertainment value does the film provide to viewers?

Jury: A panel of judges comprising industry professionals, educators, and summit organizers will evaluate all entries.