WWI - Course of Visual Communication Design in Mumbai, India | B.A. in Visual Communication Design | Visual Communication Design Institute

Visual Communication Design

Admissions Open

Admission Open

About School of Design

Programmes Designed To Suit Your Aspiration!

BDes in Visual Communication Design (4 years)

Hone your skills the way you want to


Students will be pushed to affirm their communicative capacity and brush up their promotional communication skills to tackle the advertising world with design for advertising - mastering the effective deployment of layout, typography, image and concept.

Art Direction

Students learn visual style and imaging for magazines, product packaging, and audio-visual productions. They will be trained to harness and integrate the various elements within a design to produce a certain look and feel for the resulting work so that it contains the required expressions and conveys the appropriate messages.


This will aid students in learning about the essentials of design for temporal media (time-based media) that incorporates audio-visuality. Moving images present a different set of challenges for the visual communication designer, with film and television content forming the realm of visual design practice.

Branding, Identity and Packaging

Students learn the know-how of branding a product or service for effective marketing while understanding the processes and meaning making systems of ubiquitous visual signs, logos, logo-types. They also learn effective packaging design for products that are consistent with brand identities.

Information Design

Students practice the detailed planning and visual interpretation of specific information that is to be provided to a particular audience, and in meeting those objectives, the information is presented in a way that fosters efficient and effective understanding, for further action.

Motion Graphics

Students are familiarised with the basic principles of animation / motion graphics and understand the core components and functions of standard motion graphic tools. They will also learn to effectively animate and deploy type in the context of motion.

Spatial Design

The students learn about the design of built environments, incorporating aspects of interior design, architecture, performance, art and visual tools and techniques. Central to this is the relationship between people and built environments, where one has to design ways to improve those environments. Environmental graphics is integral to this activity as well.


Students will have a good understanding of typographic design and how type is used to communicate, for typography is one of the most influential elements that establishes the character and emotional attributes of a design. The ability to classify typefaces is essential to design and effective communication, for different fonts have different characteristics and personalities.

Web & Interaction Design

The students will be initiated into the domain of user centered design by learning to create engaging web interfaces aiming to play out desired user experiences. The principles of visual interface design go a long way to establish meaningful communication via interactive media, by engaging with cyclical and collaborative processes between people and technology.


Students gain an understanding of the essentials of the various methods (such as lithography, screen-printing, letterpress, hot-metal, linocut) that enable text and images to be printed on to a wide range of substrates from paper and board, to ceramics and textiles.

Why us?

  • Programme offered in association with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)

    The academic pedagogy of TISS and the well-established practical rigour of WWI’s education comes together in a perfect partnership to provide the best education to students

  • Excel in a specialty of your choice

    Design school’s two fold vocation program provides you with the luxury to choose a career path that is close to your heart.

  • Internships and Placements

    The ‘industry-ready’ WWI trainees meet the escalating need for fresh talent in the Media and Entertainment industry. The dedicated Career Resource Centre on campus builds partnerships with the best media and entertainment industries to ensure a bright career for the students

  • Listed among the Top Ten International Film Schools by The Hollywood Reporter

Few Advisory Board Members

Prahlad Kakar

Advertising Film Director
Chairman And Founder Prahlad Kakar School of Branding and Entrepreneurship

Subhash Awchat

Artist & Communication Designer

Omung Kumar

Production Designer

Rouble Nagi

Rouble Nagi Design Studio


  • Advertising
  • Corporate Communication
  • Design Research
  • Graphic Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Information Design
  • Marketing and Brand Building
  • Motion Design
  • Print
  • Publishing
  • Social Communications
  • Spatial Design
  • Web Design
  • Interaction and Experience Designer
  • Design Researcher
  • Design Process facilitator
  • Digital Ethnographer
  • Human-machine Interface developer
  • Process Enhancement Designer
  • Logistics Support System (Interface and Interaction) Developer